Friday, April 5, 2019

Yet More Enscape

Recently I had a request from a friend to do a house render.  Unfortunately this one was a "free" job.
As usual, it was like dragging a cat backwards through a gorse bush.  New Revit learning stuff had to go on, mostly in the area of screens, where I found out the best way was to use a curtain wall as the best way to create these.

Another pain in the butt was the fascias, which had to be shiplap.  If they were to be horizontal, then no worries, just make a wall.  But this roof is at 3 degrees, so what to do?

Several brain overloads later, I realised you could use the fascia tool to achieve this.  Just a small matter of organising a profile, and having a fascia that used that profile.  Looks vaguely related to the wall cladding, which is the same stuff.

First is my try with 3DSMax

This one was done using Enscape